AC-IV, Fall 1997
Wagner Wins!
The addition of a 4th member to the AC Tour (Tom Leahy) was the charm for Kevin. Showing winning form in golf (1 round), darts, and bowling, Wagner extracted the Cup from the Rose household on his home turf in State College, PA. Paul, a.k.a., "the Gimp" Setzer was injured during bowling at The Last Cowboy on Thursday night and was forced to withdraw from golf. Toftrees Resort provide the backdrop for golf, while the Scanticon facility on the PSU campus provided a venue for darts and billiards. Wagner and Rose competed in the demonstration sport - squash. Tennis was planned, but not competed. The AC crowd also took on an alter ego, "Piggly," at Champs, where they overcame a large headstart by "Wiggly" in the Trivia competition.